Digital Marketing Trends in 2020

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it is important to keep up with the latest trends in the field. AI technology, video, voice search, and interactive content will be some of the top trends in 2020. These technologies will help brands better connect with younger demographics and make the customer journey easier for them. The following are some of the hottest trends in digital marketing in 2020. You can learn about them and start applying them today.

Digital Marketing Trends

In 2020, 47% of American companies will implement virtual assistants and chatbots to improve the customer experience. These chatbots will mimic human behavior and offer similar services and products. This means that businesses should focus their time and resources more effectively on one or two platforms. It is better to have a strong presence on three to four social media channels rather than a weak or nonexistent presence on many. These trends are part of a larger digital transformation strategy and will help your business get ahead of your competitors.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are both big trends in digital marketing. Using predictive analytics and machine learning, these technologies can accurately predict future events. With the advent of GDPR in May 2018, these tools have become more advanced and commonplace. Similarly, predictive analytics tools and applications will be more prevalent in digital marketing trends in 2019. In addition, Augmented Analytics, which uses machine learning, Natural Language Processing, and predictive algorithms, will be more prevalent in 2019.

Developing short videos to target millennials is easy, but creating a carefree tone requires extensive research and strategy. Gen Z has a limited attention span of eight seconds, and brands need to adjust their marketing strategy to meet their needs. A brand’s purpose, offer, and CTA should be easily accessible for these Millennials. While some of these trends are familiar, they are also new to many marketers, indicating an exciting year ahead.

As a small business owner, you may not be able to afford a 4-page Vogue advertisement, but it’s a good idea to be prepared. By analyzing the various trends in digital marketing, you can better determine which ones to implement in your company. You can use the RACE Framework to track your marketing goals and identify opportunities. Once you have completed the RACE Framework, you can start applying them to your business.

Hyperlocal SEO is one of the top trends in digital marketing. It is also becoming popular with B2B companies. In the past, many brands have adopted an app that allows customers to create videos. This has made this type of advertising more efficient. In addition to increasing engagement, hyperlocal SEO will increase sales for these businesses and more. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, consider the following strategies. You will be glad you did.