The Essential Elements of Your Digital Marketing Plan

Digital Marketing plan

The Essential Elements of Your Digital Marketing Plan

A digital marketing strategy is simply defined as the application of several digital channels and strategies to connect with potential consumers: on-line in cyberspace. In the real world, this usually refers to search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, or television commercials. In the virtual world, it refers to social media, blogs, YouTube, and other digital channels which combine SEO and other digital channels to help boost the visibility and performance of websites and online businesses. For example, if a restaurant has a Twitter account, a PPC campaign might be planned to promote its Twitter account. From the restaurant’s site itself to its social media assets such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, a digital marketing plan is then developed and implemented.

The most common way to execute a digital asset-managed strategy is through SEO. SEO is a function of several elements such as keyword selection, link building, content publishing, and the integration of different types of advertising and promotional channels to achieve certain Search Engine Optimization goals. Digital assets like YouTube videos, photos, and other content publishing channels provide SEO opportunities.

Organic SEO relates to on-page SEO efforts. On-page SEO focuses on optimizing the contents of the site for search engines. Organic SEO focuses on optimizing the user’s experience by providing relevant and useful content, and not just attracting search engine spiders. Content marketing provides organic SEO opportunities through the distribution of press releases and articles, blogs posts, videos, status updates, and other types of content that increase brand awareness to potential customers.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is an offshoot of organic SEO and is a strategic marketing practice used to generate buzz about the business as well as gain visibility for brands in the social media platform. SMM also includes activities like blogging, creating Facebook pages, and other forms of social network marketing. SMM is a great way to engage your target audience and build their trust in your company. SMM can also be applied to other online activities like email marketing, pay per click advertising, and the inclusion of a “Like” feature to Facebook.

Digital Marketing strategy is an ever-changing discipline. Marketers may use a variety of marketing channels for different business goals, depending on what the goals are. This strategy will include both traditional and emerging forms of Internet marketing. Traditional channels include SEO strategies, Pay Per Click (PPC), Viral Marketing, Video Marketing, Audio Marketing, and Social Media Marketing. New channels include Web 2.0 Strategies, Conversational Selling, and Event Marketing.

Digital Marketing offers marketers a way to reach an entire audience and significantly increase brand recognition. Digital marketing is a powerful strategy that allows marketers to reach their target audience and convert them into buyers. Unlike traditional advertising and marketing methods, which tend to attract only a certain type of audience, using a mix of multiple tools to attract customers can bring a wide range of audiences to a company’s website. In addition, by using a mix of traditional and digital tools, marketers can significantly increase return on investment (ROI) for their advertising campaigns.